Pawan Kumar Chamling (Sikkim)

Tenure: December 12, 1994 - May 27, 2019 Duration: 24 years, 165 days Key Contributions: Known for his focus on sustainable development and making Sikkim the first organic state in India.

Jyoti Basu (West Bengal)

Tenure: June 21, 1977 - November 6, 2000 Duration: 23 years, 137 days Key Contributions: Implemented land reforms and strengthened the public distribution system in West Bengal.

Gegong Apang (Arunachal Pradesh)

Tenure: January 18, 1980 - January 19, 1999 & August 3, 2003 - April 9, 2007 Duration: Over 22 years in total Key Contributions: Played a key role in the political stabilization and development of Arunachal Pradesh.

Naveen Patnaik (Odisha)

Tenure: March 5, 2000 - Present Duration: 24 years (and ongoing) Key Contributions: Known for his clean governance and disaster management strategies.

Lal Thanhawla (Mizoram)

Tenure: May 11, 1984 - December 3, 1988 & December 8, 1993 - December 3, 1998 & December 11, 2008 - December 14, 2018 Duration: Over 21 years in total Key Contributions: Promoted peace and development in Mizoram post-insurgency.

Jyoti Basu (West Bengal)

Tenure: June 21, 1977 - November 6, 2000 Duration: 23 years, 137 days Key Contributions: Implemented land reforms and strengthened the public distribution system in West Bengal.

M. Karunanidhi (Tamil Nadu)

Tenure: February 10, 1969 - January 4, 1976 & January 27, 1989 - January 30, 1991 & May 13, 1996 - May 13, 2001 & May 13, 2006 - May 15, 2011 Duration: Over 19 years in total Key Contributions: Instrumental in Tamil Nadu’s industrial and social development.

Manik Sarkar (Tripura)

Tenure: March 11, 1998 - March 9, 2018 Duration: 20 years Key Contributions: Known for his simple lifestyle and focus on rural development.

Sheila Dikshit (Delhi)

Tenure: December 3, 1998 - December 28, 2013 Duration: 15 years Key Contributions: Played a pivotal role in transforming Delhi’s infrastructure and public services.

Virbhadra Singh (Himachal Pradesh)

Tenure: April 8, 1983 - March 5, 1990 & December 3, 1993 - March 23, 1998 & March 6, 2003 - December 30, 2007 & December 25, 2012 - December 27, 2017 Duration: Over 21 years in total Key Contributions: Focused on infrastructure development and tourism promotion in Himachal Pradesh.

Raman Singh (Chhattisgarh)

Tenure: December 7, 2003 - December 17, 2018 Duration: 15 years Key Contributions: Known for his work in improving public distribution and healthcare in Chhattisgarh.