Comprehensive Review of Income Tax Act 1961

Aimed at reducing disputes and litigation, to be completed in six months.

Customs Duty Exemption for Cancer Drugs

Three cancer treatment drugs will be exempted from basic customs duty.

Fiscal Deficit Target

Estimated at 4.9% of GDP for 2024-25, with a goal to bring it below 4.5%.

Reduced Customs Duty on Precious Metals

Gold and silver duty reduced to 6%, platinum to 6.5%.

National Research Foundation

Establishment for fundamental research and prototype development.

Reduced BCD on Mobile Components

Mobile phones, PCBs, and chargers BCD reduced to 15%.

Space Economy Venture Capital Fund

₹1,000 crore proposed for space economy ventures.

Flood Relief Fund for Bihar

₹11,500 crore allocated to tackle flooding.

PM Gram Sadak Yojana Phase IV

Launch for rural settlements newly eligible due to population growth.

Duty Exemption on Critical Minerals

25 critical minerals exempted from customs duty, with BCD reduced on two.

Urban Housing Announcement

₹2 lakh crore allocated for urban housing, with PMAY Urban 2.0 funded with ₹10 lakh crore.