Heatwave Havoc

As Delhi swelters under a blistering heatwave, South Delhi neighborhoods face an additional challenge – restricted water supply, now limited to once daily.

Rising Demand, Diminishing Resources

The soaring temperatures have led to an unprecedented surge in water demand, further exacerbating the strain on already limited water resources.

Impact on Residents

Residents are forced to adapt to a new routine of water usage, with implications for daily chores, hygiene, and overall quality of life.

Economic and Social Fallout

Businesses, particularly those reliant on water, are feeling the pinch, while vulnerable communities are disproportionately affected by the rationing measures.

Calls for Sustainable Solutions

The crisis underscores the urgent need for long-term, sustainable water management strategies to mitigate the impact of climate change and population growth on Delhi's water supply.

Community Resilience

Despite the challenges, communities are coming together to find innovative solutions and support each other through this testing time.